Promotion of Students – Information for Sponsors

The Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility takes place once a year. It is organized by the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) and the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (tme) of RWTH Aachen University. Up to 1800 international participants every year confirm the importance of this conference beyond the German borders.
Every year, we offer engineering students to participate in the Aachen Colloquium for free. The prospective graduates could thusly establish new contacts and deepen their expertise.

We would be pleased, if you contribute financially to this program as a sponsor against invoice. We will be happy to include your company logo in our printed products and our website. Please fill in the form below. The invoice including the bank data will be sent to you by e-mail.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sara Portz. The contact can be found on the right side of this page.


with invoice
services in return*
minimum amount of 2.000 € plus tax

* Integration of your logo into our presentations, printing of your logo within the program brochure of the following year, insertion of advertisement into the conference bags of the promoted students, mentioning on our website

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Aachener Kolloquium
Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik GbR
Steinbachstraße 7
52074 Aachen

+49 241 8861 205