Transparency Information on Data Protection for the Production and Use of Pictures and Videos

With the following transparency information on data protection, we would like to inform you about our dealings with pictures and videos on which you can be seen, and thus comply with our information obligations under Art. 12 et seq. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can find further information on the processing of personal data by us at any time at

1. Name and Contact Details of the Data Controller

Data controller in the sense of data protection law („we“) is the:

Name and address:                  Contact:
Aachener Kolloquium Fahr-       Phone: +49 241 8861 205
zeug und Motorentechnik GbR  Fax: +49 241 8861 266
Steinbachstraße 7                    E-Mail:
52074 Aachen                          Website:

You will find further information on our company, details of authorised representatives and other contact details in the imprint on our website:

2. Categories of Personal Data and Purposes of Data Processing

Within the scope of our events we regularly take pictures and videos of you, e.g. as a participant by us and by photographers commissioned by us. These may also allow third parties to draw conclusions about the respective event.
We use these pictures and videos as part of our press and public relations work (in particular as part of our website) for reporting and for targeted addressing of individual target groups (e.g. for sponsor recruitment). In addition, we also use pictures and videos for illustration and marketing purposes, for example by illustrating event brochures, information or invitations, as well as within corresponding subject areas on our website.
The pictures and videos are carefully examined and checked by us before publication. Of course, we respect your personal rights and do not use pictures and videos which show you in a recognizably private situation or which, in our opinion, show an unfavourable presentation.


3. Legal Basis for Data Processing

The legal basis for the use of the pictures and videos is - depending on the content of the respective picture – sec. 23 (1) no. 1 (portraits from the field of contemporary history), no. 2 (pictures with persons as mere accessories) or no. 3 (pictures of meetings and similar events) of the Copyright for Works of Art Act and Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR permits data processing on the basis of a weighing of interests. Our legitimate interests are to be seen in the processing purposes mentioned under section 2.

In certain cases we may be required to obtain your prior consent. The legal basis for the production and use of the images and videos in this case is sec. 22 of the Copyright for Works of Art Act and Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

4. Duration of Storage

We store pictures for as long as we wish to use them for the processing purposes specified under section 2 or for as long as we wish to use them in the near future.
We will immediately delete pictures and videos which, after inspection and approval, cannot be considered at any time for use for the aforementioned processing purposes.

5. Recipients/Categories of Recipients

Insofar as this is necessary within the framework of the processing purposes specified under section 2, the pictures and videos may also be passed on to third parties. This may particularly apply for:

  • Journalists, press and broadcasting companies
  • Service providers for the production of print products.

In particular, if it is an event that we hold in cooperation with other companies or institutions, the pictures and videos can also be passed on to them. The pictures and videos will be used by these companies and institutions for the same processing purposes as set out in section 2 above. In particular, our cooperation partners Institute for Automotive Engineering ("ika") and Institute for Combustion Engines ("VKA") of RWTH Aachen University and our affiliated companies may be considered as recipient of the pictures and videos.
For the purposes of processing mentioned under section 2, we may also use service providers who process data on our behalf and who are carefully selected and monitored as such.
The data is processed exclusively in computer centres within the European Union. There is no transfer to a third country or an international organisation.

6. Rights as Data Subject

In accordance with Articles 15 et seq. GDPR, under the conditions defined therein, you have the right to information about the personal data concerning you and to correction or deletion or restriction of processing, a right of objection to processing and the right to data portability.
You have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of personal data by us if you are of the opinion that the processing of the data concerning you violates the GDPR.
If the processing is based on your consent, you also have the right to revoke the consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing which took place on the basis of the consent up to the revocation.



Status: April 1st, 2019


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Aachener Kolloquium
Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik GbR
Steinbachstraße 7
52074 Aachen

+49 241 8861 205

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